Welcome to EMS Consultants
Would you like to be considered the EMS provider of choice in your service area? Let us help you take care of everything! EMS Consultants has evolved its technologies over decades to address the challenges and support the growth of EMS caregivers and EMS providers nationwide. For more information about our company, click here!

We are excited to announce that we are actively looking to fill a position for a motivated and driven candidate to join our software development team. Please see the posting in our careers section, along with instructions on how to apply.

Prestige Software Product Line
Prestige EMS Software Suite is an innovative software product designed to exceed the needs of any size EMS provider. EMS Consultants understands that providing quality service to patients is the number one priority for EMS providers; thus, developing a user friendly application that will maximize your reimbursement was our goal.

Our Approach
Are you prepared for an audit? At EMS Consultants we have vast experience with ambulance
reimbursement and know and understand the regulations and laws that are unique to ambulance services. Because of this, we are better prepared to represent ambulance suppliers.

EMS Consultants is excited to announce V3 release in Alabama
by J. Adam Patterson, VP Sales and Marketing